Nadia Harbeck’s Vision for ESMO: Enhancing Global Oncology Care

Monday, 3 June 2024 | Women's Cancers

Nadia Harbeck, MD, PhD, stands out as an outstanding candidate for the ESMO presidency, distinguished by her remarkable professional achievements and inspirational commitment. She embodies a remarkable capacity to seamlessly manage the diverse responsibilities of today’s world while understanding the perspectives and daily challenges of aspiring oncologists. As a dual citizen of Germany and the USA, she balances a thriving family life with four children and a prominent career in oncology leadership. She demonstrates the ability to handle numerous commitments simultaneously, underscoring her capability to lead effectively and serve the real-world oncology community.

Harbeck’s career is marked by her commitment to clinical research, with a focus on individualized treatment approaches for breast cancer. She has authored and co-authored numerous influential research papers and has been a pivotal figure in several large-scale clinical trials. Her work has significantly advanced the understanding and treatment of breast cancer, making her a respected leader in the oncology community.

Beyond her clinical and research endeavors, Harbeck is actively involved in professional organizations. She has served in various capacities within ESMO, including as a member of the ESMO Breast Cancer Faculty and as an editor for the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. Her extensive experience and leadership roles within ESMO and other international oncology organizations position her as a well-qualified candidate for the ESMO presidency in 2024.

Nadia Harbeck
Harbeck’s Vision for ESMO Presidency

Nadia Harbeck’s vision for her candidacy for the ESMO presidency in 2024 is centered around several key priorities aimed at enhancing global oncology care. Her plan focuses on patient care, promoting global equity, supporting oncologists, fostering research and innovation, and strengthening ESMO as a global leader.

Enhancing Patient Care

Harbeck’s foremost priority is the enhancement of patient care. She envisions a patient-centered approach where the latest scientific advancements are swiftly translated into clinical practice. By ensuring that treatments and technologies are accessible to all patients, regardless of their geographical location, Harbeck aims to reduce the global disparity in cancer care outcomes.

Promoting Global Equity

A significant part of Harbeck’s vision is addressing the inequities in cancer care between different regions of the world. She emphasizes the need for ESMO to play a pivotal role in leveling the playing field, ensuring that oncologists and patients in lower-resource settings have access to the same opportunities and treatments as those in more developed areas. This includes advocating for policy changes, increasing funding for global health initiatives, and fostering international collaborations.

Supporting Oncologists

Harbeck is committed to supporting oncologists through education, mentorship, and professional development. She proposes initiatives for borderless education, and creating platforms for peer exchange and networking, particularly for oncologists balancing professional and personal responsibilities.

Fostering Research and Innovation

Under Harbeck’s leadership, ESMO would emphasize research and innovation, fostering collaborations to accelerate breakthroughs in oncology. She aims to support young researchers, promote diversity in research, and encourage collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and industry partners.

Strengthening ESMO as a Global Leader

Harbeck aims to solidify ESMO’s position as a global leader by shaping international guidelines and standards for cancer care. She plans to increase ESMO’s visibility and engagement in global health discussions and collaborations to advocate for the oncology community’s needs and patients they serve.


Nadia Harbeck’s vision for the ESMO presidency is deeply committed to improving cancer care globally. Her focus on patient-centered care, global equity, support for oncologists, research and innovation, and strengthening ESMO’s global leadership underscores her comprehensive approach. Harbeck’s extensive experience and ability to balance career and family life make her an inspiring candidate to lead ESMO into a future where high-quality cancer care is accessible to all. Her candidacy promises professional excellence and heartfelt dedication to representing her colleagues balancing similar responsibilities.

ESMO Members Are Invited To Cast Their Votes Until 10th June

Make your voice heard in the European Society for Medical Oncology’s elections! Until June 10th, you can cast your vote online by following this link: ESMO’s elections are a crucial opportunity to select the leaders and representatives who will shape the future of the society and the field of medical oncology. Don’t miss your chance to have a say in the decision-making process and contribute to the continued success of ESMO. Vote now and make your mark on the future of medical oncology!

This article was written by Dr. Mehrpouya Mobin.

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