Legal Notice

OncoViews is an initiative of:

PEAK Medicals GmbH – Schuetzenstrasse 1 – 8800 Thalwil, Zurich, Switzerland – UID: CHE-301.251.575

Website Content

PEAK Medicals GmbH is offering this website ( to inform users on its activities, initiatives and events, such as OncoViews LIVE, and to provide information on developments in oncology and latest updates for events, articles and activities associated with it. Our website offers generally accessible information free of charge. We are not liable for the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information on this website. We cannot guarantee that the content and appearance of downloadable brochures, forms and other documents correspond to those of the printed versions of our published documents. In cases of doubt, only the printed version of a publication is authoritative.


Among the services offered at various points of our website are links to external websites. We expressly declare that the websites to which we created links were free of illegal content at the time the links were made. We have no influence on the current and future form or content of the linked websites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content on the linked websites that has been changed since the links were created.

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In all of our publications, we strive to heed existing copyrights and only use items (graphic elements, photos, audio recordings, video clips, and texts) that we have created by ourselves, for which we have obtained the rights, or which do not require a license. All trademarks and other rights mentioned on our website that may be owned by third parties are fully subject to the applicable trademark laws and to the proprietary rights of the registered owner. The mere mention of trademarks does not exclude the rights of third parties.

Copyrights: OncoViews © PEAK Medicals 2025,